Thursday, February 19, 2009


I love this poem from Hafez Shirazi.

Morning breeze, its fragrance will exhale
The old world will once again youthfully sail.
Tulip will bring a red cup to the meadows
Narcissus' eyes from poppy will grow pale.
When would nightingale put up with such abuse
In the chamber of the rose cry and wail.
I traded the temple for the tavern, fault me not
Prayer is long and stale, time is frail.
Leave not joy of the now till the morrow
Who can vouch that the morrow, the now shall trail?
Month of Sha'aban put not down the jug of wine
Till the end of Ramadan you'll miss this Holy Grail.
Hold dear all the flowers and commune
Came to be and will whither with a breeze or a gale.
This feast is for friends, O minstrel, play and sing
Sing again, it came thus and went thus, to what avail?
Hafez, for your sake, entered this tale
Walk with him, say farewell, he'll tear the veil.

Recently I've made this painting in celebration of spring's coming and being content.


Valerie said...

Beautiful poem sonia! It makes me think about how we should live life to the full and be joyful and thankful as we do so.

Kaili Ittensohn said...

Thanks Sonia, I was just about to visit your blog. I love this painting, you have a very unique style! Yes the video was fun! I agree that I do feel a bit "exposed" I even felt that way when I started blogging! But ike you said, it is such a nice compliment to a blog. I think you should definitely do it! I will be keeping my eyes out for your film debut! Kaili xx

sonia close said...

Rose, I am glad you liked it! I absolutely agree! Thank you for visiting. :)

Kaili, it will be interesting to see how long the filming would take me, and thank you so much for your comment. :)

Hélène Deroubaix said...

pretty work! love the little buds!
can't wait for springtime and to feel contentment again, rebirthing, unfolding again, gazing at all the beauty around, taking pictures of the new colors in the landscape:)
this will cheer me up